Sunday, February 4, 2018

#100 days of honesty Day 90: MØ, Rwanda Hotel and being stuck in an elevator


I have been listening to MØ quite a lot this weekend. I like many of her songs, now may be GlassRed in the Grey , XXX 88, No Mythologies To Follow, Dummy Head and Slow Love have been my favorites. 

I noticed yesterday how magical it is to write down something. I like to make lists which I sometimes loose and find later under the bed or in one of my bags. Often I can state with a  good feeling that all the things on the list got done by the deadline even though the list itself got lost somewhere in the flat for weeks.
I think somehow it really has a power to write down things. It manifests the will and may be even gets to your subconscious and guides your actions.

Yesterday I saw a great movie called Hotel Rwanda. I find it always uplifting to see stories of people like Paul Rusesabagina, the main character of this movie or Raoul Wallenberg or many other people who proved their humanity in difficult times. There are so many questions what this movie raises about humanity, global conflicts, empathy, cruelty, hatred, the international community in general. It is not an easy movie but it is a movie worth to watch.
During watching it I got emotional quite many times sometimes because of sadness and sometimes from anger or relief. I think that also nowadays we are not living in an easy era. There is so many hidden or not so hidden hatred what should be stopped at its birth, at its roots. Sometimes it starts very small by speaking up in the everyday.

Then in the evening I got stuck in the elevator. The elevator stopped, all lights went out and for a while I could not reach emergency services. Thanks god later I could get through to them and shortly after the light went on and the elevator started to move again.

Today the only plan for the afternoon is going to the sauna and a little bit of cardio before that may be. Rather not that much after the last two eventful days.

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