Sometimes we think fear is a warning sign of life. It shows us where our limits are and where we should stop before we cross the point of no return. Other people say on the contrary, that fear does not exist it and is just an illusion. Fear is real, it is there and there is a reason for it, and in my opinion it is important to face this fear by doing exactly what we are afraid of. In the last couple of months I did quite many things what I was afraid of before. It did not come from me only. I was inspired by my friends and the thoughts I read in the books I bought for Christmas. Sometimes it is easier to do something when you look up to someone and that person is telling exactly the same thing what you have been afraid of to do.
Kelly Cutrone wrote in one of her books about how important she thinks is to help less privileged people which can show in really small acts, for example buying coffee for a homeless person in the cold weather. Or how important it is to do charity. We are not talking about big sums of money here, it can be really simple things: newspapers and blogs are full of sad stories. It is enough to write an email and ask that if you have x EUR/USD/etc. to give what would they need in that price range.
OK.. I admit I was so confused when I gave the coffee to that guy that I started to talk to him in English...what he obviously did not understand. But then I smiled, gave the coffee to him what he accepted and I just walked away. Noone was watching me, it was not hard and after that I made it, I had this "yesss, I did it" feeling, and I was happy that I could overcame my shyness. In my personal opinion there is some instant karma working in the world. The more good is happening to people the less people are living among us who are hurt and angry. And if someone does something good to you, forgives you etc., you will remember it and the next time you can do the same with an other person and the circle goes on and overall the level of goodness is increasing in the world.
You can reconcile with old friends. May be you think that they are angry because of something you did in the past, but in the reality they are not and they are happy to see you and share what happened in the past years.
I had this idea of writing an article about Hungarian fashion designers and even though the blog is something new and not The New York Times itself, I just contacted one of my favorites (The BetaVersion). They answered me and were really kind and at the end I wrote a nice article what they even published on their official Facebook page.
Sometimes the next lesson you have to learn starts where you would stop and turn back, because you are afraid. Sometimes that extra step only means a really small push and when you leave the fear behind and you do not care about the consequences so much, which are imaginary outcomes anyways, and you do what you always wanted to do, but you were afraid of, life follows and you arrive at places what you would not have imagined before. You do not have to become insane and act without thinking, irresponsible and reckless, but sometimes there is boundaries in our very minds which actually do not exist at all. We think that people watch us and we have to be careful how we live and what we do, but actually no one cares. And those who really care do not have any expectations towards us. And love us that much, that even we do something unexpected, they will ask us why we did it, but are not going to judge us. And those who judge are not the ones who love us anyways.
Nagyon örülök ennek a bejegyzésednek!!!!!!Én sok évig karitatív adtam néhány barátnővel egy hajléktalan szállón vacsorát az otthontalanoknak.Nagyon hamar megszerettem őket.Ha találkozunk a városban,akkor is köszönünk, beszélgetünk.Sok ember fél,pedig nem kell.DE én ismerem a mástól való félelmeket is....
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:) Köszönöm Mammka. Nekem a KV-s eset volt az, ami áttörte a gátat. Sokszor például utcazenészeknek is adnának emberek pénzt, de félnek, hogy mit gondol a többi ember, ha adnak. Pedig tetszik nekik a zene, csak nem mernek odamenni, pedig semmi sincs abban sem :D.
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