Wednesday, November 16, 2016

#tbt Friends in Hanko


The word "exotic" can mean different things to different people. To me seeing the seaside in winter is very exotic for example. I love the mixutre of snow, rocks and the sea. Usually people associate the word "sea" with warmth, summer and sailing but the sea can be just as interesting in winter too. I took these photos in 2012 and now that I have a bit more experience in sorting photos and trying to tell complete stories through them I decided to publish older photos here every now and then. 
When I saw these group of friends standing on the rocks they reminded me of Andersen. My Mom and grandma used to read Andersen tales to us very often. We had this big old book what my Mom got from her uncle for Christmas as a child with beautiful drawings in it. By the time I went to school I knew almost all the tales by heart. I really recommend also for adults to read those H. C. Andersen fairy tales. They are a perfect read for cozy winter evenings. May be my love for winter photography and snow is rooted in them. I was always amazed by that world full of snow, ice, lanterns, candles, sledges, the ice queen and children ice skating and building snow men on the drawings. When I saw that girl with the camera standing on the rocks in her red winter jacket and her friends it recalled that world in me. May be it was cold- I do not remember any more how cold it was- but the thing which stayed in my memory is that it was so nice to watch that group of people. And even though I did not go there to say hi and change some words with them I felt connected to them. It was a happy crowd on a Saturday winter-afternoon and I also liked the sea a lot and the stormy clouds. Beauty and comfort has indeed so many different forms and I think it is the best to go after what resonates with us and experience it again and again as many times we can.

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