Tuesday, February 13, 2018

#100 days of honesty Day 99: Purpose


"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."- Joseph Addison

Life is really so funny. I looked at the calendar and realized that tomorrow the 100 days will be over. 

And exactly tomorrow is a bit of dark humor day for me because we had also our anniversary with one of my former partners exactly on this day. I always dispised Valentines day so it was already funny to have an anniversary then. But having a former anniversary on Valentines day what you do not like anyways just adds to the irony-factor of it.

Then I realized that tomorrow my 100th day will be also exactly on this day- which is a big coinsidence since I did not count the days when I started this  mini project of mine.

May be again this teaches me about life and makes me realize that although the past was filled with many good and not so good moments I have the right to pick what I want to take with me from it and be every day just who I want to be apart from what has happened earlier.

During last year I had amazing journeys. To Israel, to Madrid, Toledo, the Azores. I was in Florence watching the sunset with my Dad and my brother. I did my couple of times a year visits to Hanko, Suomenlinna and I discovered Vallisaari. I want to stop for a moment tomorrow and rather instead of thinking- even in a funny way- of the past just to reflect on my life now a bit.

To have a day when I do what I like, when I am active, when I can be truly happy and think about ways to maintain this state. It will be a day for me and about me filled with good things. as a gift from myself to myself for trying to fix stuff and do something good and to improve. Even when there is not every time someone standing next to me cheering, even if I doubt myself too so often :)

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