Wednesday, November 8, 2017

#100 days of honesty Day 4: Focus and goals

Today I will keep a social media minimum day. There are days when I feel so that time is flowing out from my hands. Better if I realize this in the morning and then I always try to do some damage control and save the day. I have been trying to be more effective lately in the different fields of my life. I realized that sometimes doing too small but safe investments just slows down processes and is more out of fear than reason. For example if I buy two new lenses one each month the end cost will be the same anyways than buying them one by one. But if I buy them rather at once then I can start to practice with them immediately (and fail in the beinning) and improve much faster. There is also a Swedish online language package I have been considering buying but I am still thinking about it. I have heard many good things about it and I think it would speed up my study process.

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