Monday, January 6, 2014

I had to learn to emphasize the good more over the bad, even if it is called naivety. There is no other chance for me to go on, to survive the real or imagined betrayals, the bad energies, the sad happenings.

Whenever I feel down, abandoned, forgot, I tell myself that there is also a strong circle of love, care and support surrounding me. People who believe in me, who support me in reaching my dreams. People who like me how I am with all the flaws. 

There is a force in life carrying my wishes in it and I KNOW that I am on the way there where I want to get.

The goal I want to reach can not be reached without hard work, but it does not have to be a maniac run. It can be a discovery filled with passion, love and curiosity. I want to be in peace and be happy while I work on myself and my way of expressing myself. I want to have people around me while I do so and not to be separated from that what I am exactly looking for.

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