Monday, January 29, 2018

#100 days of honesty Day 85


Today afternoon went in a quite meditative mode for me. I got some sad news what came back over and over again to the surface of my mind. It made me remember of all the abrupt endings in my life. Is it better when things fade slowly or when everything ends fast? When talking of people I think no matter how heartbaking the fading is you are lucky if you have time to say goodbye and it is not a hard cut off.

Sometimes when something bad happens to people who you know only through friends or people close to you it still feels so bad and sad. You feel the pain of the other even if you do not know them directly because you are connected through the person you both are close to. I wish that empathy could take off the weight of the pain at least a bit from the person who is affected the most. Although I know there is not a direct law of physics in case of emotions. 

You can just send your thoughts and love and care towards others hoping that in some form it will arrive there.

In the evening I saw a bat flying around again. I think it is some sort of sign of spring approaching. I love bats. They are there in one moment but they aren't really in the other. Sometimes they are like a separate object as they fly near you but then in the other they are just a blurred line on the evening sky again. Always reappearing and disappearing til the morning comes.

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