Wednesday, November 29, 2017

#100 days of honesty Day 26: So many different things


I am still adjusting back to the everyday and therefore my life has been a bit chaotic. Well..first it was very chaotic but now it starts to get more organized. I lost my phone at London Stansted but I luckily saved all the photos each day to my laptop as I said before so I did not have to stress at least about loosing part of all my holiday memories.

My new phone came and I have been progressing with other tasks too but I feel so that I have the speed of a snail. Therefore I took my good old weapons called lists and Google calendar and I started to structure my day. I will return to the gym today, back with protein shake, workout plans and co.

Yesterday I saw a really beautiful blue flower called Encian in a flower wholesales market but you could buy it only in ten pieces buckets so I decied to skip it this time. I would not even feel sorry for the money but I just know that they do not stay fresh for so long and then I just stress about how to photograph them and make the most of the investment. May be if I make concepts beforehand how the photos should look like, then buy them and photograph everything quickly at once I will not feel like wasting money for buying ten instead of one-two pieces of them.

I am also stuck with my flower photography project atm but at the weekend I will have time to go to my favorite flower shop again and I will speed up.

We have been talking about it with a friend of mine who makes music that it is so hard but so neccesary as well to keep a disciplined work schedule in creative fields too. You just have to get your focus back and keep on doing things because until everything is just in your head noone sees it besides you.

On the other hand this getting back to everyday period was good for meeting friends and telling about my recent trip. It is nice to have people around you who are happy for your positive experiences and/or success. I think it measures a friendship a lot how honestly you can be happy for the other if something good happens to him, not just "be there" in bad times. 

I still have to do the custmos declaration for my new lens I ordered on ebay from Japan and then I can dive in to the field of manual focusing more. There is only one lens I want to buy still and then my lens park is complete for a while.

For me the year is closed and the new year has started already. Lately I went through all the great trips I made this year, made an inventory of my memories. About the new things I learned, things I achieved and did not achieve. I don't really want to think about them too much any longer more look forward and do everything I wanted but couldn't do yet. I will read a lot of novels and photography magazines, surround myself with positive impulses and inspiring people. Be a bit more organized and do more and see what the future holds besides what I can influence.

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