Sunday, July 14, 2013

Jehan Sadat: A Woman of Egypt

My Mum gave me this book some time ago, but I forgot about it. She reminded me to read it, now when the news came again about Egypt. This book is a very inspiring one. First it introduces the country and the culture in a very interesting way. Second it tells about a life of an inspiring woman from a Muslim country.

I like this book, because it tells about a person who has ambitions while being a mother and a wife at the same time. I would believe so that it is possible also nowadays to live a life like this.
I sometimes get frustrated, because I feel that there is a huge social pressure on me being a woman and having my own personal ambitions. Sure, I would like to get married and have a family if I meet a guy who I love and respect, but I would like to follow at the same time my dreams and ambitions.

Although I know that many people plan their lives very consciously, I do not believe that I could find the love I could welcome in my life by thinking with my head and hunting for men with certain parameters. So called husband-material or whatsoever. Already this word sounds so ridiculous to me.
On the other hand I feel so that I can contribute more to succeeding in reaching my personal goals, and the outcome on this field depends more on my own efforts than luck. I would like to transmit something through "art", and my other ambition is to use the knowledge I gained to help others who have some difficulties and are living among less beneficial social conditions. These are the things which would make me feel being a successful individual leading a meaningful life.

I hope so much, that I will be able to accomplish these goals, and do more and more things I believe in the future. That is why it is so inspiring to read books like this. We come from different cultures, lead different lives, but there is something common in people who have this drive in their soul to achieve something, meaning to use their abilities not only to make a better life for themselves, but to give back something to the society and the world.

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