Tuesday, January 16, 2018

#100 days of honesty Day 73


I was having a photo session at home at the weekend. I always find it so nice when I have the focus to prepare for something, think about it and then accomplish what I planned. This small step that my photo got accepted to Getty Images gave me a push to continue with other projects. Sometimes these surprises came just at the right time. 

I have been going to the sauna and infrared sauna last week and finally some snow fell so it starts to feel like real winter. 

When I was doing that project at the weekend I noticed some obstacles I need to gap: for example that I do not have more than two hands. And since I can not count on others to assist me all the time I need something to hold the backdrop when I want to use something different than the wall as a background. This and my others observations are something I have known in theory since some time but it is different when you face the same obstacle in real life and you have to act on it. The more you take pictures the more things you know the solution for but just as the same way more and more new problems arise what need to be solved.

I have been thinking about upcoming travels but it is mostly only plans yet. For now the top two priorities are sports and photography for me. I don't want to interrupt the flow once I finally get into it al the time with changing places and leave all projects I have been working on behind. But my love for travel is still the same and I think I will still do some short trips or those kind of trips where I can connect my photography practice with travelling and story telling. 

I would like to spend money and use my time consiously and not use certain activities as a false reward or tool to get recognition.

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